Concentration in Quantitative Psychology

What is the Concentration in Quantitative Psychology?

This concentration is a set of courses in statistics designed as an opportunity to graduate students who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in quantitative psychology. This concentration is not a formal designation or degree defined by the Graduate School. However, the Concentration in Quantitative Psychology has the formal endorsement of the faculty of the Department of Psychology and can be reported on a C.V.

Who is eligible?

Students wanting to add a Concentration in Quantitative Psychology have to be enrolled and in good standing in one of the Department’s programs.

What are requirements?

The student will take the three required quantitative courses in Psychology (PSY631, PSY632, and PSY633) and one additional advanced statistics course (PSY634), four of which are quantitative core courses. In addition, the student will take two or more quantitative elective courses, in or outside of the Department.

Quantitative Core Courses:

  • PSY 631: Psychological Statistics, Research Methods and Design
  • PSY 632: Multiple Regression and Multivariate Statistics
  • PSY 633: Structural Equation Modeling  
  • PSY 634: Hierarchical Linear Modeling

Quantitative Elective Courses:

  • PSY 698: Advanced Seminar
  • EPS 710: Meta-analysis Methods
  • EPS 705: Measurement
  • EPS 706: Categorical Data Analysis
  • EPS 707: Item Response Theory
  • BST 630: Longitudinal Data
  • BST 670: Bayesian Analysis: Concepts, Theory, & Computing
  • EPH 751: Survival Analysis in Clinical Trials
All courses must be completed with a grade of B or better. Certain additional electives may be applied toward the concentration. However, any potential substitution must be pre-approved by Maria Llabre. If pre-approval is not obtained, there is no guarantee that a substitute will be applied toward meeting the concentration requirements.

How to get it?

Students who wish to pursue the Concentration in Quantitative Psychology are asked to notify Maria Llabre via email ( There is no formal application for the concentration; notification is for planning purposes only.

Upon completion of the concentration requirements, send an unofficial transcript highlighting the courses taken and grades received to Graduate Student Coordinator. The student will receive a letter indicating that they have met the requirements for the Concentration in Quantitative Psychology.
